Flat Wrap Razor Wire
Concertina is security wire equipped with sharp blades with a 2.50mm diameter. It’s an extremely deterrent system that completes an existing fence through placement on a low wall or above flexible fencing or rigid panels. In our anti-climbing or high security fences, concertina barbed wire is installed in the flanges of Y- or L-shaped intermediate posts. Barbed wire is generally used for the protection of industrial and military zones, penitentiaries, borders and all sensitive areas requiring high surveillance. Due to the sharp blades, this type of barbed wire is not suitable for residential areas.
Flat wrap razor wire is similar to the other concertina razor wire types we produce but has a flat design. This strong, durable wire is used on low walls and with security fencing systems to protect industrial, sensitive, and high-security sites. It is not suitable for residential use, as the blades along its length are sharp and could cause significant injury to anyone who tries to pass or climb over it. Typical applications of flat wrap razor wire include deterring potential thieves and intruders at military facilities, industrial and construction sites, embassies, laboratories, or nuclear plants. Flat wrap razor wire is also commonly used to prevent illegal passage across borders or contain prisoners in correctional facilities.